Running events for two days at Biggie III

I will preface this by saying that evidently no one cares about PM, and it will almost certainly be ending on Saturday. This post is mainly concerning SSBM (and to a small extent, RoA) because this keeps popping up, and hopefully I can explain my stance thoroughly and without any confusion.


  • SSBM has 27 entrants.
  • In 27 entrants, the top seeds need to play two matches to get to winners side top 8, and in the event a bottom seed loses round 1 and makes top 8, they would need to play five matches.

The post will discuss a few aspects of whether it's viable to have SSBM top 8/4 on Sunday.


With top 8 on Sunday, people play 2-5 matches tops and then, depending on if they entered other games, either just wait or play games in other tournaments. Is this really good for the players?
Considering out of town players will likely either not play or go very far in other games, it seems like a waste of their resources to me.
Comparatively, even if they had a one day tournament experience but they came for two days, instead of stressing about top 8/4 on Sunday after playing only a few matches, they can relax and have a fun time on Sunday. Maybe get a few drinks and cheer on their friends.
On the topic of players and player numbers, RoA is currently at 16 entrants, and given Docked and Loaded numbers and how the game is going we expect it to rise a lot higher than that, so in the event that RoA surpasses SSBM, denying it top x on Sunday in favour of SSBM seems absurd. I know, but it's worth mentioning if that ends up being the case.


Time and again it has been proven that on finals day, people will only watch what they are interested in. You can't expect people to travel to, or even stay at, the venue for a game they don't play and could just watch on stream.
This has happened for SSBU at almost all SF events, and it happened at Docked and Loaded for SSBM. People who don't care for a game on finals day will just use that time to go and get food, or if their game is on later they will just show up later. This looks bad on the stream and feels bad for players.
On the contrary, Saturday evening events actually get the most hype besides the Sunday main events. SSBM ending on Saturday has the highest chance of retaining an audience. More people stay at the venue because of a multitude of reasons, not the least of which is to play casuals, and if a top 8 is on they will be more inclined to watch it.


On Sunday we have a limited amount of time in Hunter Lounge (open for business from 12PM to 8PM). We have to use this wisely and setup changing time is a big detriment.
This can be somewhat mitigated by using Saturday to set up in the room and taking away a setup. This will already be done for SSBU since this was one of the big failings we had last year, so this is a relatively small factor holding me back.

Bonus: venue

Hunter Lounge Ethernet situation is dumb. This is relevant for Slippi console mirroring. (I am incredibly busy with life things leading up to the event so I will not be able to set up non-ethernet console mirroring, and VUW WiFi setup makes it difficult to mirror using WiFi) I will contact IT staff at VUW to make sure the Ethernet is working, however I cannot guarantee how this will go.
As far as purely streaming from Hunter Lounge, I used USB tethering from a phone and used the phone's WiFi connecting it to VUW internet to stream, and it went well. If Ethernet doesn't work this time we will be forced to use this measure again.


This is the most difficult to argue part.
Biggie is a Smash major tournament for NZ. Giving all Smash games the respect they deserve is important.
We didn't do this properly last year and we accept blame for that.
The decision to keep SSBM one day stems for our responsibility towards making the event better for players primarily and spectators secondarily.
I completely understand that people like Hunter Lounge. I do too! Unless I have to stream from there.
Having a definite day 2 and playing on the big stage is understandably hype and I respect it. However, given the points for players and audience, and from a TO perspective looking at the schedule and venue, it becomes difficult to not see such prestige actually be tarnished.
In my personal opinion, speaking as someone who played in a "Day 1 closing game" in Power Rangers:Battle For The Grid at SubZero Scuffle 2020 (great tournament by the way), it was more exciting for the game to have gotten that time slot as people were keen to watch and had fun doing so, rather than early Sunday, as was evidenced by the Mortal Kombat 11 tournament where very few people were there to watch it who weren't already in the tournament.

Hopefully that explains why I feel like we should run SSBM all day on Saturday. If people have any further questions they are welcome to discuss in the #melee channel in the NZSmash Discord (I only read that, #project-m, and #rivals-of-aether :P ) or DM me personally.

Thank you for your time.
