
Showing posts from January, 2021

From chump to champ with chimps in 2021

I've really enjoyed working on From Chump To Champ With Chimps (playlist linked here ) over the past year. It's taught me a lot about video editing, scripting and just generally how to make content for fighting games. I've tried to stick to a somewhat weekly schedule but missed it a few times and needed a break once in a while due to lack of motivation/being busy, so overall I've learned a lot about how much I can stick to a schedule and how likely it is that I can finish something given a time frame, without it being overtly penalising like university. Making tons of videos ranging from 2-8 minutes has shown me what my optimal timeframe is for a video as well. I think I do best with 5 minute videos, since it's generally more than enough to get relevant info out without dragging on too long. The topics I pick also most likely have something to do with that perception I still want to keep working on these videos because I like them, and it seems like people generally